We received tons of great feedback from our users, worked day and night on new features, ran on Product Hunt and finally, presented Apifier at the Y Combinator Fellowship Demo day in Mountain View to about 200 YC alumni and partners. Okay, enough said, here is what’s new:
API — now you can list crawls, run them and view their results using a RESTful API. To make this easy to find, we added a dedicated API section to almost every page.
CSV output — although JSON is cool, people sometimes prefer to view their data as a table.
Log — debug your crawler using a detailed crawling log
Dozens of improvements to user interface, crawler core, documentation, performance optimization, new examples, etc.
Various bugfixes (yes, it happens to us, too)
There’s no stopping us now, expect a lot more coming soon.
If you've landed on this page, you might like to know that Apifier became Apify, and many years later is now the only full-stack web scraping and automation platform on the market 💪🚀